A Planning and Development Guide to Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations

To preserve and enhance wildlife habitats, developers need to follow the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) regulations. These seek to ensure that natural habitats benefit from developments, and that they aren’t negatively affected by any processes leading or construction in the build-up.

At The Habitat Restoration Co., we believe in providing protection to the environment with our sustainable land management services. In this guide, we’ll offer advice on how biodiversity net gain can be achieved for your planning and development.

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How do BNG Regulations Affect Developers and Local Planning Authorities?

It’s important to comply with the BNG regulations to make sure your project runs smoothly. Failure to comply can lead to development roadblocks including fines or even habitat remodelling. For this reason, it’s crucial to have an understanding of the regulations involved and who they affect. For BNG regulations, this includes:

  • Developers of major developments
  • Developers working on small sites (as of 2nd April 2024)
  • Developers working on any nationally significant infrastructure (as of late November 2025)
  • Land Managers wishing to sell to the BNG market
  • Local Planning Authorities

How to Measure Biodiversity Net Gain

Government regulations surrounding biodiversity net gain propose that developers must deliver a BNG of 10%. But what does this mean? And how is BNG measured?

To measure BNG, standardised units of biodiversity are used, with each habitat containing a number of biodiversity units depending on its size, quality, location, and habitat type. As well as adding biodiversity units, development can also take away biodiversity units.

When measuring biodiversity value, it is useful to seek the advice of an ecologist. They will assist in measuring the biodiversity value of your habitat as it stands and make recommendations for habitat creation or enhancement that might be possible for your land.

During this assessment, an ecologist or other assessor will use a biodiversity metric that calculates how many units are present in a habitat before a development. The metric will also allow assessors to establish how many units must be replaced during the development process to ensure the project achieves the required 10% BNG.
The number of biodiversity units for a development can be calculated using the statutory biodiversity metric tool.

How to Ensure BNG Compliance

BNG regulations require developers to achieve a 10% biodiversity net gain. To track this goal, you need to record the BNG metrics for both before a project takes place and after it has been completed. The first value will help inform your BNG plan, while the second will show how successful you’ve been in implementing it – along with how much more you may still need to do.

Under the UK Environment Act, any developments that require a biodiversity net gain need to submit a BNG plan to a planning authority, which then must be approved before work can proceed. This plan will include the details for the site itself, alongside any plans for off-site nature recovery.

Some developers plan to meet their requirements by setting aside land on their site for new habitat creation. However, this isn’t always achievable by using on-site space. In these cases, developers need to find and enhance offsite habitats to meet their BNG requirements.

If a developer continues to fall short of their required BNG, it is possible to purchase statutory credits. These credits are a last resort to acquire the biodiversity units needed to achieve an overall net gain. This solution should only be used in situations where all other avenues have been reviewed and are not an advised route for fulfilling your requirements.

Reach BNG Compliance with The Habitat Restoration Co.

BNG is a vital part of any development. It ensures our habitats continue to thrive, preserving the natural environment while protecting the diverse habitats of the UK.

To comply with regulations and make a real impact on your BNG efforts, you need to work with a trusted land management and restoration company like The Habitat Restoration Company. We provide a professional service for habit restoration, helping you achieve your targets. Contact us today!