Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
Special Areas of Conservation, or SACs, are protected under the Habitats Regulations. Within these areas are flora and fauna (excluding birds) which are in most need of conservation throughout Europe. After Brexit, the UK’s own habitat laws changed, but there are still significant restrictions that affect any development that could impact these areas.
Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
SPAs, on the other hand, are Special Protection Areas. These are protected sites that are designed to safeguard rare and vulnerable birds, as well as regular migratory species. These are classified and protected in accordance with the EC Birds Directive.
Irreplaceable Habitats
Under the UK’s 2024 habitat regulations, there are a number of habitats categorised as “irreplaceable”. The list of these can be found here. This shows a continued awareness of our natural world and the steps we need to take to protect it, along with places that cannot simply be recovered if built over.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
As of February 2024, a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) of at least 10% is a mandatory requirement for developers in the UK. This means that any development needs to deliver a better, larger, or higher-quality habitat than existed before it’s effects. For certain habitats like ancient woodland or wetlands, BNG is difficult or impossible to achieve. Under the proposed Investment Zones are many such areas.